Numéro | 317 |
Titre | Equipment Management Systems for Use in Developing Countries – An Evaluation and Selection Protocol |
Rubrique | Environnement technique - Maintenance |
Auteur | J o h n Mahady, James M c C u l l a g h , P e t e r B G r a i n g e r, Robert K i n s e l l a |
Editeur | Business Briefing : Global Health Care |
Résumé | A healthcare equipment management system assists with the management of medical equipment, from initial purchase through to decommissioning and replacement. It has been widely reported that a significant proportion of healthcare equipment in developing countries is not used.1,2 The World Health Organization estimates that up to 60% of medical equipment in developing countries may not be in service at any given time. Although many explanations have been offered, it was commonly expressed that better equipment management would improve usage in developing countries |
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